Content and Traffic Quality Standards
Publishers, media owners and networks (Publishers) that wish to use either AUX or AdServing Factory’s SSP services are required to comply with these Quality Standards. These Quality Standards provide accurate guidance to what AdServing Factory considers to be acceptable and unacceptable web content. Publishers must fully comply with these Quality Standards if they wish to work with AdServing Factory as these standards are included within our commericial agreements.
AdServing Factory reserves the right to change the standards at any time without prior notice to the publisher. The Publisher understands that it is their sole responsibility maintain an up-to-date knowledge of these Quality Standards available here. AdServing Factory reserves the sole right to warn, or without notice, terminate any publisher that is found in violation of these standards. If you are in any way unsure about any of these standards please ask us.
The Publisher shall always make sure that AdServing Factory Ad Tags are not placed on or utilised by any website or application other than the Publisher’s own sites or apps, or sites or apps that they have been legally authorised to manage. If the Publishers sites or apps are suspected of being unauthorised, or unsafe, AdServing Factory reserves the right to suspend all Ad Impressions to those sites or apps immediately.
In order to check the use of Ad Tags AdServing Factory uses software to monitor the quality and safety of the Publisher’s sites, apps and Ad Impressions.
The Publisher shall ensure that its sites and apps do not contain any Prohibited Content, as described below. AdServing Factory reserves the right to immediately stop accepting ad requests if they are suspected of containing such content.
The Publisher shall not and shall not permit or authorise others to engage in any activity to artificially inflate the number of Ad Impressions or clicks, including but not limited to:
The Publisher shall not and shall not permit or authorise others to:
If the Publisher is found to be in breach of the Content Quality or Traffic Quality standards then the Publisher’s account with AdServing Factory will be immediately suspended and all payment due to the Publisher will be forfeited with immediate effect. AdServing Factory also reserves the right to bring legal action against the Publisher to claim damages for breach of these Quality Standards.
Content articulating views intended or reasonably likely to cause or incite hatred of any race, religion, creed, class or ethnic group.
Content articulating views calculated to cause offence to or incite hatred of any individual or group. Content explicitly glorifying or delivering for the purposes of entertainment, scenes or descriptions of pain, suffering, death, torture or ill-treatment of humans or animals.
Sexually explicit content depicting illegal acts including but not limited to content featuring minors and content featuring non-consensual acts, real or implied.
Content offering genuine or replica guns, bombs, ammunition or other offensive weapons for sale. Content glorifying the use of or offering technical information on guns, bombs, ammunition or other offensive weapons.
Sexually explicit content transmitted or published for the purposes of entertainment including but not limited to photographs, videos and text depicting or describing legal sexual acts between consenting adults.
Sites allowing users to download or exchange software including but not limited to music files, games, movies and software applications. Such software may or may not include ad-ware, peer-to-peer networks.
Sites containing hyperlinks to be clicked on by live users who subsequently receive some reward or incentive for making the click, for example, additional loyalty points added to an account redeemable for goods on achievement of certain targets.
Online forums, comments areas, discussion groups and newsgroups not subject to any editorial control or moderation by a Publisher. May be part of a larger site or stand-alone.